Last night after I spent some time on week 3's tasks, I sat down to relax before Dancing with the Stars came on at 8pm...I had a few minutes to spare so I turned on Jeopardy (brace yourselves because this is completely ironic in my mind!!) I am usually only about 20% accurate, if that, when it comes to answering, but I still tune in and get excited for those few. Anyways, final jeopardy came on, and I need to add that I have never answered a final jeopardy question correctly, and the category was THE INTERNET! I immediately thought, "What a coincidence!" I was dancing in my seat waiting for the commercials to pass so that the clue could be revealed because I truly thought I may finally have a shot at this! The clue appeared on the screen and was something like this: (I was unable to write it down, or recall it, word for word)
CLUE: In a registered website domain name, it's the only mark that's allowed besides the dot, that is not a letter...(There was a tad bit more to the question, but regardless you get the gist) I quickly shouted out what I thought the answer was and then thought, "WAIT A MINUTE! That can't be right...it is way too easy!" (To be honest, I was hoping it was something that would test my new knowledge from CEP) After more commercials that I sat through with anticipation, the answer was revealed and it matched mine.
ANSWER: The slash
This was a mighty easy question for final jeopardy, but I wanted to share this because the timing was just too right!
Also, after Alex Trebeck read the category he said, "I bet your kids are gonna do good on this one!" This quote got me to thinking...It shows just how prominent the internet is becoming and the fact that it is a tool that reaches out to all ages...
check out the website...even jeopardy uses the internet interactively! www.jeopardy.com
I just want you to know, that I totally laughed out loud reading your post! Oh Alex Trebeck...how i wish i were better at your game :) what a serendipitous evening, i love when things like that happen!