Original Image: "Smartest Person in the Room"
Image URL: http://static.flickr.com/2609/3867578091_40c0f0ded6_m.jpg
By: Peter Shanks
Released under an Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike License
License URL:http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5/
I really enjoy seeing posters in classrooms that send a positive message to the students, which I think this particular image does a great job of! It may clear any misconceptions that students may have coming in and place everyone on an equal playing field, which is extremely important in order to have an effective community of learners! Incorporating images and other decorations into your classroom is important for many reasons, one being that it sets up an environment in which students can relate to and feel safe and secure in, and should be carefully thought out in order to accommodate everyone! One great way to incorporate images is to consider symbolic identification...What does the classroom tell others about the student's interests, activities, backgrounds, accomplishments, etc...and what does the classroom tell others about the teacher's interests, goals, values and beliefs about education??!
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