After reading Kyle's blog post for this week, regarding wiki's and blogs, I was introduced to something I had not heard of before called google wave.
Google wave seems really neat...
It is used for real time collaboration and communication...it can be a conversation or a document via rich text, photos, videos, maps, etc.
A wave is shared, much like the other technologies we have used...anyone can reply anywhere in the message, edit the content and add members at any point in the process. There is a neat tool called playback that then lets anyone rewind the wave to see who said what and when. This live transmittion allows for faster conversations!
Another cool thing about google wave is that there are no attachments...all you have to do is drag and drop the file you would like to share and then everyone will have access.
A wave, or a threaded conversation, can include one person, or it can include a group or even robots. Google wave has been compared to instant messaging...anything you have ever discussed in a chat is a wave. Robots can talk with users and provide information from outside sources.
I am still very new to this technology myself so I have included an article on the launch of google wave, which will offer a better understanding! It really seems pretty neat.
I've heard about this! Rumor has it, you have to be invited to use it. and each person only has so many invitations they can use once they are a member. I dont quite understand the reasoning behind this. i'm hoping that once it isnt as new, maybe it will be open for everyone.