As long as you think creatively you could modify, or create, any lesson around collaboration with a wiki! There are so many ideas that could incorporate this neat workspace into the classroom and allow everyone to participate and add ideas and insights!
One thought that I had was to use a wiki as a review space for a textbook. Say your class read a chapter in a science book, for example. The teacher could group his/her students and assign each group to a particular area within the chapter that they would be responsible for teaching. Not only will this help other students, but it will help the group writing it to master the content by teaching it via wiki spaces! Going off of this idea, students could create study guides as well! Or vocabulary lists...
Another thought that I had for incorporating a wiki into the classroom would be simply using it as a question and answer board. If you group your students these groups could be their "go to" people in case they miss something, have a question, need information on a project, assignment, etc. Each group could be required to tend to their workspace daily to be sure that they are staying on top of their classmate's questions and concerns, while helping themselves when needed too.
Students could also create a story together using a wiki. The teacher could start a story and the students could build upon, revise and edit it!
Math problems would be neat to post on a wiki as well. Often times math problems involve a lot of steps, which involve critical thinking skills and hard work...students could work together to come to a solution.
However you choose to use the wiki, they will be sure to get everyone involved!
I agree with it all! I think that a wiki is a great thing to be used in a classroom and I never thought about using it with a textbook, that is a really great idea. I like how flexible the wikis can be because that way there is less pressure on the students and they can post and respond or change things.
ReplyDeleteI want to say thank you for your post! i've been working on the wiki for this class and I'm also using it for my extension project in my TE 401 class and some of the ways you mentioned using a wiki are ways I hadn't even thought of! like using it as a review to coincide with the textbook and you thoughts surrounding that was really insightful. Definitely something to think about :) And your thoughts on incoporating Math is AWESOME. I feel that Math is one subject that seems to get left in the dust in terms of technology use, VERY cool...
ReplyDeleteI'm glad I could help you get more ideas! :)
ReplyDeletei LOVED learning how to manage a wiki. I really liked the textbook idea as well :)