Sunday, November 15, 2009

Shoes for Africa

I found this story to be very moving. It's great to see people taking action to make a difference...just one image(shoes worn by african children made from pop bottles) started this movement and will continue to keep people aware of the situations elsewhere around the globe and hopefully will inspire them to act as well.


  1. This is an AMAZING story. Thank you for sharing it. :)

  2. I thought so too! It's always nice to hear about things like this that are happening around the world...especially when it seems as though in this economy people are turning to violence and such!

  3. Wow this is very unique and very moving! It makes me feel really bad for wanting more and more shoes when some kids are wearing pop bottles! I feel like this is really inspirational for african children who dont have any hope at all, but they can feel confident and special when they recieve these special pairs of shoes. This reminds me a lot of Toms Shoes, which is also a great foundation, except his shoes are so expensive!
